Reasons To Consider Fiber Internet For Your Home

Posted on: 14 April 2023

Has your internet connection been struggling to get the job done? Are you dealing with buffering or a slow browsing experience when multiple people are connected inside your house? It might be time to get rid of your current internet connection and make the move to fiber optics instead. Here's how a fiber internet provider can benefit you and your household. 

Faster Browsing and Downloads

People of all ages spend a considerable amount of time online these days and it's understandable if you want the fastest or best experience possible for a service you use so frequently. Fiber optic cabling can enable much faster speed than what you might currently have from your DSL or cable internet provider. Basic webpages will load lightning fast and if you have to download a big file, it will complete in a fraction of the time it may take you now. This will allow you to get on with your work or whatever you are currently using the internet for without delay.

Reliable Speed

Have you had issues in the past with your internet connection suddenly dropping in speed or going out of service for some amount of time? Fiber optic cabling is made of glass and plastic instead of copper and is much more durable than what you might currently have. Fiber cabling can provide a reliable and stable experience from the moment you log on until the moment you log off. Gone will be the days when your video stream suddenly starts buffering due to a problem with the network. The faster speed that fiber internet can provide will be the speed you remain at during your entire session.

Boost Your Bandwidth

Fiber optic cabling also provides much more bandwidth than traditional copper cabling. If you have a growing family with one or more people who are always connected and online on their smartphone, tablet, gaming console or another device  you will want an internet service that will not get bogged down from all of the traffic coming from every room of your house. Your teens can download a video game upstairs while you stay connected to your favorite video streaming service on the TV downstairs and one activity will not have a negative effect on the other because fiber internet can handle it all without running into issues.

No Worries About Interference

Have you had issues in the past because of interference in the area? Fiber optic cabling made of glass and plastic will not run into this issue like copper can. Any electromagnetic interference throughout your house will become a non-issue once you have your new fiber internet installed.


how to expedite the photo uploading process

I am a photographer and spend much of my summer taking photographs at weddings. All of the pictures that I take must be uploaded to share sites to get them to the bride as quickly as possible. Do you know how long it can take up upload hundreds of photos? I found out that it didn't have to take as long as it used to. The internet service that I had been paying top dollar for all of these years was not the connection that was going to make my job easy. After talking with a photographer friend of mine, I learned that I had to change providers and alter the way that I upload the pictures. My blog will explain how to expedite the photo uploading process.

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